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Aug. 27: Between Lies and Truth

Many years ago, a church member came to me in deep frustration. He had gotten into a car accident at a crossroads. The on-coming car made a dangerous left turn at a red light and collided with his vehicle. Fortunately, he was not seriously injured, but his car was severely damaged. There was no person at the scene other than the two motorists because it was late in the evening. When he found out the other driver’s account of the accident, he was shocked because it was the opposite of his account. The other driver claimed that the church member drove through the red light and that he had a witness to support his claim. I could tell the church member was visibly shaken up, more so by the false account than the accident itself. He almost lost faith in people, except for the fact that his insurance company did not buy into the other side’s narrative.

All of us, at one time or another, fall victim to someone else’s mistakes or shortcomings. Sometimes we have to accept the loss and move on. But it is much more damaging to our faith in people when there is a deliberate attempt to lie or fabricate. Lies are rampant in this world. Satan is the father of lies, leading this world to an evil path. We are God’s people. We are called to live out the teachings of Jesus Christ, the way, truth and life, in a world full of lies and fabrications. I

pray that you live a life that overcome and drive out the darkness of falsehood with the Life of Truth, the Word of Truth, and the Light of Truth.

‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me’ -John 14:6-

Yours in the Matchless name of Jesus Christ, our Redeemer!

Rev. Dr. Won Kim

The Lead Pastor of Thrive Church


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