Our Mission to Rio Bravo
by Pastor Tom Anderson with help from Karie Saunders

A mission trip to Rio Bravo is a life-changing spiritual experience. You will be housed in the clean and secure dormitory at Manos Juntas in Rio Bravo, Mexico. You will eat home-cooked Mexican meals in the common area. You will study scripture, pray and reflect on each day’s experience with other Christians. You will meet local Methodist leaders and their families. You will work hard in painting, mixing mortar and stucco, laying blocks and hanging doors. You will enter into a daily rhythm of both living the Bible and reading the Bible. Your heart will be touched by the families you meet and serve. You will meet Jesus in the mission field.
The purpose of Volunteers in Mission (VIM) is to share the love of Jesus Christ in ways that make a Christian difference. That Christian difference is made not only in the lives of those we serve, but also in our own lives. Each year, each face, each touch, each task leaves a lasting impression on the hearts of those who respond "YES" to God's call. Are you being called? How will you respond?
Manos Juntas is a non-profit organization in Rio Bravo, Mexico. Our partnership with them includes building small homes, assisting with community building projects, remote free medical clinics, skills training, and more. We also support them with finances and prayer.
It began in March of 2008, 15 members of Thrive Church traveled to Rio Bravo, Mexico to join other missioners from several areas of the country for a week-long house building effort. It was our first mission trip into Mexico. Four families' lives were changed because of the small homes that were built for them - (casitas: 12' x 20' houses constructed out of concrete blocks with a wood-framed, steel roof).
Last year holds great memories and blessings. We had 6 first-time missioners the week of February 8-15, making us a team of 27 total. Two casitas were built, one specially designed to help a family who needed to provide a form of in-home dialysis for their young son. We also held Mission Bible School, knitting classes, doll-making classes (another first - using socks and scraps), welding classes, and year two of our 'hot-dog' ministry (which once again fed the neighborhood 200 hotdogs with a bag of chips). Thank you, God, for all you do to make this mission what it is!
Won't you consider joining us in 2021? We will be making the trip October 2-9.
For registration or other information: contact Karie Saunders, ksaunders@humc.us