Temptations of the World
By Pastor Tom Anderson
How can I live with confidence and security in the face of the fear, moral chaos and uncertainties of the modern world? What is the truth about God’s holiness and human sinfulness? What is the renewal that God wants to bring upon his creation? What is my place in the story of God? What are the compelling reasons for hope?
The book of Isaiah serves as a powerful testimony to the character of God and his covenant purposes. When faced with impending doom from their enemies to the north, the kingdom of Judah frantically asks for the salvation of God. But rather than escape judgment from their sins, Judah is assured that it has reason to hope—God is trustworthy and will one day restore his people, and indeed, the entire world.
Beginning Wednesday, January 25 at 10 AM, I’ll be leading a weekly Bible Study on Isaiah. We will cover the first part of Isaiah, chapters 1-39 in eight weekly sessions.
We’ll see videos by Dr. John Oswalt who leads us in an exploration of the first thirty-nine chapters of Isaiah’s rich prophetic oracles. Here we will discover the truth about God’s holiness and the depth of our sin, but also the promising renewal that God is bringing to the entire creation.
Isaiah’s narrative presents a people abounding with temptations to make unhelpful alliances with foreign nations and pagan gods. Today, we face the same pressing temptations in new forms—will we trust God or turn to our own devices? This study locates us in the story of God and offers compelling reasons to put our hope in him.
Isaiah is a remarkable book that encompasses stirring passages on both the judgment of God as well as the salvation of God. Isaiah also presents no less than 14 detailed prophecies of the coming Messiah. It provides critical background to the gospels. Indeed, Isaiah 53 alone provides a detailed explanation of the meaning of the cross.
Dr. John Oswalt is Visiting Distinguished Professor of Old Testament at Asbury Theological Seminary. His expertise is in Old Testament studies, Hebrew language, and Hebrew religion. His writings have appeared in Bible encyclopedias, scholarly journals and popular religious periodicals, and is a leading scholar on the book of Isaiah. He and his wife Karen have three children and two grandchildren.
Register for this class online or at the welcome center sign-up. Cost is $15 which includes the study book. Sign-up, deadline is Sunday, January 15