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Update from our Missionaries

By Bryan and Joan Wussow

Greetings in our risen Lord Jesus!

We volunteer with a program at our Waxhaw church to teach English as a Second Language to people in our area who want help with their English. Recently in conversation Joan was able to share about Easter, but several students were confused. They recognized that Joan was talking about Resurrection Day, but they had picked up the idea that the American holiday called "Easter" was about bunnies and eggs. It's interesting to learn what they observe in American culture. Joan was able to clarify what we celebrate!

We trust you were able to celebrate Resurrection Day wherever you are!

Our work in Waxhaw, NC continues. Bryan continues work as a software development manager for Story Producer, Glyssen, and HearThis. Joan helps with various creative projects. We were able to put together a 6-minute video explaining a bit of what we do, and why it's significant for the Church worldwide. We hope you enjoy this! (Click on the link below)

Please pray with us....

  • Bryan is attending the SIL Language Technology Conference in Dallas, TX this week. It's the first time his department has been able to gather face-to-face since COVID-19 began. Partner organizations joined us on Tuesday and Wednesday. Pray that we can build our effectiveness and our relationships.

  • Joan is with Bryan on this trip, visiting SIL's Dallas, TX campus for the first time. She has volunteered her help in the sewing ministry on campus.

  • Pray that Joan and I learn to walk faithfully with God, through the challenges and options before us.

We appreciate so much your prayers and gifts that enable us to do this work.

Yours in Christ,

Bryan and Joan Wussow

6960 Old Ridge Rd

Waxhaw, NC 28173

call us: 704-327-8219 m

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