Hell Never Obeyed Executive Orders
In the toughest neighborhoods of Pontiac and Detroit where the Power Company Kid's Club serves the drugs are still flowing, gangs still...
Black Lives Matter
Moral absolutes are taught in scripture and are essential to the ethical life. Here’s one we desperately need: Racism is always and...
3 lessons on pandemic personal finances
What have you learned about yourself and your household finances in this season? What does God have to say to you about your financial...
Pray for Good Grief
Joni Mitchell sang words to describe our times “Don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone.” Since...
A Message in the Virus?
In 1750, earthquakes shook Europe. John Wesley took it upon himself to preach upon the disaster in his sermon, “The Cause and Cure of...
Scripture and the Life of God: Why the Bible Matters Now More Than Ever (book review)
Scripture and the Life of God is a very practical book for ordinary Christians to have a transformational relationship to scripture....
The Enemies of Marriage
Every marriage encounters three major threats to unity and purpose. Do you know your enemies? If you do not, you are well on your way to...
What is a Christian?
Luke reports that it was in Antioch that the disciples were first called Christians. (Acts 11:26) The word literally means “Christ’s...